Tell your story, attract more advisors and position your company as a leader in the insurance space with one of our powerful native article solutions. Native advertising is a type of paid media in which the ad follows the form and function of the user experience where it is placed.
In other words, effective native ads don’t look or feel like ads at all. The result is a more natural — and more committed — buy-in from the readership.
Choose your vertical: life & annuity, P/C, health/benefits or AdvisorNews.
Feature a single article or feature multiple articles and have your own archive page.
Select your add-ons:
Headline and teaser on digital newsletter, linking to your full article
Logo sponsorship on digital newsletter, linking to your full article
Banner display ads on digital newsletter, linking to your full article
Email marketing with a partial version of your article, linking to full article
Headline and teaser on home page, linking to your full article
Logo sponsorship on vertical section, linking to your website or designated page
Banner display ads on your article page, linking to your website or designated page
Why use native content?
5 Powerful Benefits of Native Articles
Warrant a higher level of credibility and establish thought leadership
Capture attention in a different way than a traditional advertisement
Engage readers longer with your message than with a traditional ad
Showcase a key person from your company, a new product or innovation
Repurpose as a collateral piece for internal sharing, recruitment, and tradeshows
Native Content Samples
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