Why the Number of Leads You Generate Doesn’t Matter


Did you know that according to Forrester Research, 99 percent of leads never convert into customers?

That’s right — only one percent of generated leads actually turn into revenue.

This number is so low is because marketers spend a lot of time, money and effort on filling up the funnel but hardly any time on what happens next.

The Key to Beating the Conversion Odds

Building a follow-up system can establish your company as an expert resource in the industry. You can accomplish this by educating your prospects via a nurturing flow and producing quality content that convinces qualified leads to engage with your sales team.

Most sales and marketing professionals realize it takes seven to 10 impressions before a prospect will take action. Our most successful clients are converting upwards of 3 percent, and some are even converting as high as 10 percent of the leads they are generating. What’s their secret? They consistently run marketing campaigns and have a rock-solid follow-up system that offers value to producers.

Recruiting high-quality producers is all about timing. It’s about being in the right place at the right time when a producer is ready to move on. When a producer is ready to make a move, who do you think they will contract with? An organization that has been offering value for the past couple of months, or someone who called them once and hasn’t reached out since?

3 Ways to Stay Top of Mind and Recruit High-Quality Producers

Make sure you’re attracting the right leads. Before you create a marketing campaign, it’s essential to know the type of producer you want to recruit. If you are generating too many leads or unqualified leads, you are creating a follow-up nightmare for your staff.  Make sure you’re using multiple marketing channels (print, online, email, etc.) so your message is seen by producers everywhere.

Call them ASAP. Once a producer has responded to one of your marketing messages, you need to get in touch with them within two hours, ideally. The companies that reach out immediately have a remarkably better chance to recruit and retain that producer. The more time that passes, the less interested the producer becomes.

Create an email drip campaign. An email drip campaign allows you to consistently “touch” producers with relevant information at intervals, which frees up valuable marketing and sales resources without neglecting your prospects.

This doesn’t have to be complicated. You can use all the educational training materials you’ve spent hours creating for contracted producers and simply turn them into emails. In a couple of hours you’ll have an email campaign that you can use over and over again.

Email campaigns educate your leads and makes it easier for your recruiters to have better conversations with producers and increase contracts or business.

Measure What Really Counts

Leads are great, but if you’re not converting them into contracted agents, does it really matter how many you generate? It’s time to ditch the goal of generating as many leads as possible and focus on what will really grow your business — contracting high-quality producers!

We’re Always Happy to Help

Let the InsuranceNewsNet marketing team help you create a potent marketing strategy that gets the results that matter most to you. Call us today at 717.441.9357!

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